We can also preventively check flat roofs that have been sealed using PVC, EPDM, other roofing, etc. We will use equipment that best suits the encountered roof structure. More and more contractors and roofers are calling us for this service. After all, our team possesses vast experience. We have already been deployed by various department stores and schools.
Preventive checks are carried out during the construction phase, before water seals are covered with ballast, paved surfaces or green roofs. This allows us to detect potential shortcomings before damage occurs.
Preventive checks also allow faults to be discovered which have not yet resulted in leaks. For instance, a partly detached seam joint will not immediately cause a leak. However, over time (ageing) and under the influence of ambient factors (heat, frost, dirt, shrinkage and expansion) the seal may become fully detached and result in water ingress.
What happens if our experts find a leak? We will immediately inform the concerned contractor, who will be able to rectify the issue. In this case, a follow-up check after repairs have been carried out is appropriate.
An appropriate investigation technique is available for practically all roof structures. A preventive roof check means peace of mind for contractors and future owners because they know their roof has been checked a completely neutral party.
Preventive checks on water seals are useful for:
- gravel roofs
- green roofs
- basement sealing
- roof car parks
- roof terraces
- roofs featuring paved surfaces/clinkers/roof garden
- roofs featuring solar panels
- roofs with vulnerable underlying spaces, such as data centres, laboratories, museums, etc.